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- • AI
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Learn how to use publicly available Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) from public sources and companies like Amazon.
22 minWorkshop
Build a ChatGPT Discord Bot
In this tutorial video, Dustin will guide you through the process of building a ChatGPT-powered Discord bot. You'll learn how to create a bot that listens to messages in a designated channel, sends those messages to the ChatGPT API for processing, and then responds with the generated text from the AI. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a functional Discord bot that can generate responses to user messages using the power of ChatGPT. So whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, come join Dustin and learn how to build a ChatGPT Discord bot today!
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15 minWorkshop
Build a Basic ChatGPT Clone with Vanilla JavaScript
Learn to build a basic ChatGPT clone with vanilla JavaScript in this video. Follow along with Dustin as he walks you through the process, from writing the HTML for the UI to integrating the OpenAI API. By the end, you'll have a functional chatbot that can generate human-like responses to user inputs!
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Build a Chatbot with Watson APIs
IBM has created an AI platform named Watson that gives businesses and developers access to powerful tools for text and speech analysis, computer vision, and more. Watson APIs consist of a suite of services used to process or analyze data to answer questions and make decisions. This course will show you how to build a chatbot with Node.js and the Conversation and Discovery services from Watson. You'll also learn how to setup your bot on the IBM Cloud platform.
12 hoursConference
Treehouse Festival July 2020
Treehouse Festival 2020
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Introduction to GraphQL
Simplify your backend with GraphQL, the new query language and runtime that is taking the world by storm. With GraphQL, it’s no longer necessary to resolve a bunch of different REST endpoints to get a complete chunk of data. We can use GraphQL to tell a server which data we want, and exactly what it should look like. Whether you’re a front-end developer looking to simplify your workflow, or a back-end developer looking for a way to compose more robust APIs, this course is the perfect place to start.
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