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JavaScript Express Basics Getting Started with Express Adding Multiple Routes to the App

ReferenceError: request is not defined

Has anyone encountered the error 'ReferenceError: request is not defined' when trying to follow the get method example?

I've tried assigning it to a required variable (eg 'const request = require('request');') but this returns the error 'Error: Invalid protocol: http'

Code below:

const express = require('express'); const request = require('request'); // not in video, added in response to the error 'request is not defined'

const app = express();

app.get('/', request, response => { response.send('I love Treehouse!'); });


2 Answers


I guess there is no need to require request as module seperately. The request and response are default parameters of get callback execution.

app.get('/', (request, response) => { response.send('I love Treehouse!'); });

Add brackets as well.


Thanks again Ashish!

I was just going through the Express documentation and realised the brackets were missing rolls eyes