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PHP PHP Basics Daily Exercise Program Conditionals

PHP Quiz

Hi! Could I get some help on this PHP quiz?

Here's the question:

Check if each student has a GPA of 4.0.

If the student has a GPA of 4.0, use the student name variable to replace NAME when displaying the following line:

NAME made the Honor Roll

ELSE If the students GPA is not equal to 4.0, within an else block, use the student name variable to replace NAME AND the student GPA variable to replace STUDENT GPA when displaying the following line:


And Here's the code

<?php $studentOneName = 'Dave'; $studentOneGPA = 3.8;

$studentTwoName = 'Treasure'; $studentTwoGPA = 4.0;

//Place your code below this comment


Thanks SO much!

$studentOneName = 'Dave';
$studentOneGPA = 3.8;

$studentTwoName = 'Treasure';
$studentTwoGPA = 4.0;

//Place your code below this comment
