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PHP PHP Basics Unit Converter Manipulating Numbers

Can't figure out how to Multiply in "echo" watched the vids multiple times they don't show it.

Stuck trying to figure out how to multiply in echo as when I try to do it in var_dump I get a syntax error and the videos don't show how to multiply in echo and display your results.


//Place your code below this comment
$integerOne = 1;
$integerTwo = 2;
$floatOne = 1.5;

var_dump( $integerOne);
var_dump( $integerTwo);

var_dump( $integerOne += 5);
var_dump( $integerTwo -= 1);


1 Answer

Front End Web Development Techdegree Student 15,200 Points

Hi! You're doing great. Just hang in there.

First, you won't need any var_dump for this challenge. You only need an echo statement. The operator you're looking for is the multiplication operand *. This operation is shown in this video at around the 1:03 mark.

So, for the last step you just need to multiply the two numbers and echo it out to the page.

echo($integerOne * $floatOne);

I hope this helps! :sparkles: