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In part 3 of Build a Bank Account class, we're going to calculate the balance based off of all of the transactions that exist within the account. We do this by writing a method called `balance`.
Code Samples
class BankAccount
attr_reader :name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
@transactions = []
add_transaction("Beginning Balance", 0)
def credit(description, amount)
add_transaction(description, amount)
def debit(description, amount)
add_transaction(description, -amount)
def add_transaction(description, amount)
@transactions.push(description: description, amount: amount)
def balance
balance = 0.0
@transactions.each do |transaction|
balance += transaction[:amount]
return balance
def to_s
"Name: #{name}, Balance: #{sprintf("%0.2f", balance)}"
bank_account = BankAccount.new("Jason")
bank_account.credit("Paycheck", 100)
bank_account.debit("Groceries", 40)
puts bank_account
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