About this Course
Welcome to the realm of web security, where millions of dollars and people’s lives are on the line. Well, not in all cases, but some! From protecting static web sites to the most complex of web services and APIs, every web developer should be aware of and adept at writing secure code and building systems that can stand up to the strongest of malicious users. In this course, we will lay the groundwork for what you need to know to get started exploring the vast field of web security, and along the way you will begin to realize that security isn’t about checking boxes, but rather about embedding the thought process and principles of rock-solid security into every line of code you write. First, we will discuss why security matters to you as a web developer, then we will look at data security at an implementation level, then finally we will examine the art of maintaining your websites, apps, and services on a daily basis.
What you'll learn
- Principles of web security
- Why web security matters
- Implementation of data security
- Site security maintenance
Alena Holligan
After starting out in fine art and moving into graphic design, Alena found her passion for programming over 15 years ago and has never looked back. Alena enjoys community and is excited to introduce people to the wonderful world of PHP and the Portland Tech Community.
When not at her computer, Alena enjoys exploring Portland with her friends and family, including her 3 young children. She also enjoys the Symphony, Cooking, Books, Yarn and Yoga.
Jared Smith
Jared is a Computer Security researcher at the US's largest national laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN, where he works on projects ranging from novel security data analytics tools to malware research. He was previously a software security engineer at Cisco System's internal security team and serves as a technical advisor for several Knoxville, TN companies. He roams the so-called "Cyberspace" as @jaredthecoder.