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JavaScript Express Basics Parameters, Query Strings, and Modularizing Routes Randomize Cards

James Crosslin
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
James Crosslin
Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree Graduate 16,882 Points

My solution to adding the question and answer links

I felt like Chalkey's solution was needlessly wordy. All the logic can be handled without creating new variables and with 2 lines of code on the pug template. Of course you have to start by including the id parameter, but that's the only change in cards.js. Since we only have two options, just provide two link options in a conditional you've placed on card.pug. It also fits in well with the conditional that we already had for the hint if you did it this way. Easy peasy.


extends layout

block content
    h2= text
    if side === 'question'
        i Hint: #{hint}
      a(href=`${id}?side=answer`) Answer
      a(href=`${id}?side=question`) Question


const express = require("express")
const router = express.Router()

const {
  data: { cards }
} = require("../data/flashcardData.json")

router.get("/:id", (req, res) => {
  const { side } = req.query
  const { id } = req.params

  res.locals = {
    text: cards[id][side],
    hint: cards[id].hint

module.exports = router

1 Answer

I think normally its best to handle the logic in the JS file where possible. this is how i handled mine

router.get('/:id', (req, res) => { const {side} = req.query const {id} = req.params

res.render('card', {
    text: cards[id][side],
    id: id, 
    otherSide: (side==='question')? 'answer':'question', 
    linkText: (side==='question')? 'Answer':'Question', 
    hint: (side ==='question')? cards[id].hint:''


a(href=/cards/${id}?side=${otherSide})= linkText