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Hear from Treehouse students
I enjoy that the Treehouse courses don’t feel like a lecture; they feel like I am pair programming with the teacher, picking up little tricks and tips along the way.
Kelly Shuster
Treehouse helped push me in the right direction, even before I knew that this was the direction I wanted to take.
Nejc Vukovic
Since joining Treehouse my progression has exploded... I recently landed a job as a web developer at a digital agency.
Joe Consterdine
West Yorkshire, UK
Treehouse has given me the knowledge and confidence to go out into the real world and deliver on what I promise – as well as producing work I am proud of and my client’s just love.
Dawid Cedrych
Katowice, Poland
The number one thing about Treehouse was the communal aspect. Everyone in slack was super helpful, and it means you can learn so much more.
Andrew Hickman
Philadelphia, USA
It’s as natural for me to sit and code for fun as it is for others to sit and watch Netflix.
Jennifer Nordell
Norrtälje, Sweden
Treehouse has added value to me as a designer and to my business.
Jessica Freeman
Atlanta, Georgia
Treehouse has helped me gain workplace standard knowledge at the same level – if not higher than – a college course or a degree.
Adam Duffield
South Yorkshire, UK
I love Treehouse because of their presentation and how well the lessons are scaled to gradually become more challenging – never too much of a difficulty spike.
Sam Blaha
Ohio, USA
Treehouse not only took the intimidation out of coding mobile apps, it made it fun.
Aaron Watkins
Bay Area, California
Treehouse has allowed me to obtain the dream of doing a job I love...Treehouse gave me my freedom.
Alexander Karan
Perth, Australia
Treehouse basically made me realize that rapidly changing my professional path was possible.
Fabrizio Scandola
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Treehouse student stories gave me a lot of certainty about what I would be able to accomplish and that no matter what your past, you can always reinvent yourself.
Jamie Rios
Mexico City, Mexico
Being a Techdegree student is one of the best decisions I’ve made for my career.
Kalina Edwards
Dallas, Texas
I also want to give credit to Treehouse because without Treehouse, I couldn’t have made my dream real.
Ashok Bishnoi
Rajasthan, India
I now have a job that I fully enjoy, and I use the skills I've learned from Treehouse in my job everyday.
Nicki Rios
Seattle, Washington
I wish I had known about Treehouse before I took on that CIW course; it would have saved me time, money, and stress.
Claire Tregunna
Herefordshire, UK
I applied for a new job and managed to secure a significant pay rise... Not only that, I don't feel like a disposable resource anymore - I have skills, and skills which are in demand.
Lauren Clark
Essex, England
Treehouse allowed me to gain the skills I needed to make a career transition without leaving the job I had at the time, which was key for me.
Brian Polonia
Bronx, New York
Treehouse offers a wide variety of courses that will provide the perfect platform to launch your ideas… Start with Treehouse and let your ambitions guide you.